Would You Like To Save Big Money On Your Auto Insurance And Reduce Your Risk Of Auto Theft?By David Maillie
With the rising price of gas, skyrocketing health care costs, etc... Americans are feeling the economic crunch. Lets put some money back in your pocket right now and lets take a bite out of auto theft.
The best part is
(1) You don’t have to switch insurance carriers.
(2) Local auto dealers charge $299-$499 for this same service (real price should be $25-$30)- What a ripoff! (Note dealers also charge $200-$1000 for replacement headlights when you can buy headlight cleaner and restorer for under $20).
(3) You can easily purchase it direct from the manufacturer below cost right through the internet!
Police departments, insurance companies, AAA Auto Club, Motor Week, Speedvision TV, and leading consumer groups and publications all recommend window etching as a strong theft deterrent and a great investment.
The top 10 most stolen autos:
1. Toyota Camry
2. Honda Accord
3. Oldsmobile Cutlass
4. Honda Civic
5. Jeep Cherokee
6. Chevrolet trucks
7. Toyota Corolla
8. Chevrolet Caprice
9. Ford Taurus
10. Ford trucks
Did you know that every 19 minutes a car is stolen in this country! Vehicles equipped with a visible theft deterrent system are 4 times less likely to be stolen. Auto etching uses a strong caustic to etch vin #'s and other registered numbers into your car windows (glass is the third most valuable item after plastic headlights and air bags that professional thieves look for - these items are then resold on Ebay and elsewhere by these thieves for quick cash). 95% of thefts are by professional car thieves.
Chemical auto etching is a safe process. No damage is done to the vehicle and it can be professionally done. It is very affordable as its actual costis 70 – 85% less than auto dealer’s charge and has many benefits:
1) It has been proven to enhances vehicle value at resale.
3) No mechanical parts to break down or need repair.
4) SAVE MONEY AND HAVE PEACE OF MIND! – 9 out of 10 auto thefts are by professionals who will not take a car with traceable numbers.
One of the most cost effective security steps is having a security number etched on each window. Start saving big on your insurance today! Auto etch, like headlight cleaner and restorer, is a bonafide product backed and used by the police in every state. It is guaranteed to save you far more than it costs, has numerous benefits, And you can undercut the dealer and buy it without paying their ridiculous prices ($200-$600+)! For more information on Auto etch and/or similar products like headlight restoration kits contact the author below or look up auto etch on the internet. * Insurance discounts can vary by state and by carrier.
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